Friday 24 July 2020

The Useful Tool Guide

Apache OpenOffice which offer many of the features Micro-soft Word does

Offering an easy to use document writing platform, with built-in spell check and thesaurus so you can choose alternative words if you want to

The finished article can be saved in many formats, plus OpenOffice allows you to export written work into a PDF with a security password if you want, plus further restrictions if needed

In the past have used OpenOffice, more recently when Windows Word got remove during a computer problem, a bonus was there were no hidden coding as with Word

 Download page allows you to choose your operating system, and what language version you want to use

For those who like myself enjoy creating artwork hosts a very impressive paint & draw tool, the added advantage is this is web-based so there is no need for download software

I like using Sketchpad as it’s FREE to use and remembers where you left off your artwork, you can also save or print or share your artwork

However for those who prefer art software download then Krita is a professional FREE and open source painting program, which come with a vast array of brushes including erasers

This software can be also be used as a basic photo editor other operating systems downloads are offered at this site

I enjoy using this artwork downloaded software, which is far superior to Windows Paint, and it’s FREE to download, although you can donate